Limited Partnership Agreement signed!
It is with great enthusiasm, renewed energy, and a little pride that we announce the achievement of this important milestone.
After many rounds of intense discussions amongst our Directors and with the Prowind management we have finally achieved good solutions for all aspects that were or could have become points of concern for the Co-op and our partner Prowind Canada. We are very confident that our Limited Partnership Agreement is fair and mutually beneficial and that the Limited Partners in the future will value the diligence and depth of understanding that went into its design.
New challenges ahead
Having reached this agreement means that we are now challenged with the task of raising the funds to finance our equity part in the Gunn's Hill Windfarm Project. Our target is set at 49% of the project's equity, which translates into ~ $ 9 Million the Co-op has to raise over the coming months.
But we are in the fortunate position that many of our supporters and members have signalled their interest in making substantial investment contributions. Our Offering Statement will be available in the near future and will very precisely layout the minimum and maximum allowed investment per investor, the exact nature of the shares offered, how they will be redeemed and the dividends we expect to pay on those shares, as well as any risks associated with an investment.
You can help us better understand what your investment needs are, if you let us know what level and what kind (e.g. shares, bonds) of investment you are looking for.
Members can log into their member's profile and indicate their investment interest there.
Your contact for questions regarding membership and investments is