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  • Tuesday, August 19, 2014 1:48 PM | Christine Koenig

    We are preparing for a series of three investor information events in Tillsonburg, Ingersoll, and Woodstock on September 3rd, 4th, and 9th.

    Please stay tuned and follow the events sites to learn more about when and where these events will take place and to register online.

    If you have questions or recommendations for us please contact me!



  • Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:28 PM | Christine Koenig

    Thanks to Senvion Canada OCEC members enjoyed a highly interesting and educating tour of the blade manufacturing plant in Welland Ontario on Thursday July 10th. It is here where the blades for our wind farm's MM92 turbines will be produced. Currently  ~ 120 and later around 200 (when a second mould for a lager turbine model will be implemented) employed staff are working at the plant 24/6.

    Senvion's CEO Helmut Herold and plant manager Dan Dragoman personally guided a very curious group of 20 OCEC members through the plant and were always ready and happy to answer the many question we had. We were impressed by the cleanliness and lack of odours in the facility and, of course, by the sheer size of these enormous ~ 45m long blades as they are being crafted layer by layer in the huge hall. Present ramp up production rates are 2 blades per week, the target for full capacity production is 4 blades per week. Much of the production process involves diligent manual work that is frequently quality controlled by the staff in the onsite quality control lab. The plant's yard is steadily filling up with new blades ready to be shipped. While concluding our tour outside the building in the sun and marvelling at the sight of the neatly stacked white blades the growing excitement amongst the OCEC members could be felt. Soon "our" blades would be produced here and shipped to Oxford County. The project has become very tangible now.

  • Monday, June 16, 2014 4:03 PM | Christine Koenig
    Oxfordshire, UK

    The Westmill Windfarm in Oxfordshire, UK is owned by the Westmill Wind Farm Co-op and is attracting visitors. A charitable organization set up to educate about renewable energy provides guided tours around the windfarm and an adjacent solar farm. To read more follow the link below: 

  • Monday, June 16, 2014 1:26 PM | Christine Koenig

    The 6 MW Oxley Wind Farm in Harrow, ON, is operational since early this year and has three Senvion MM92 turbines installed, the same model that will be going up for our Gunn's Hill Windfarm!

    To learn more about this project follow the link below:
  • Tuesday, May 20, 2014 3:14 PM | Christine Koenig
    OCEC is happy to announce that our Offering Statement has been receipted on May 14, 2014 and that we are now able to offer Class A Preferences Shares and Bonds to all interested investors. The details of this securities offering can be found in our investment summary document which can be downloaded form the invest in us page.

    OCEC members can log-in to the members' site and will find the electronic investment package under member & investors.

  • Wednesday, April 23, 2014 2:21 PM | Christine Koenig
    OCEC has conducted a first information event on April 16, 2014 in Woodstock, ON, to inform interested members and investor about the upcoming investment opportunity. The event was well attended, and lively and interesting discussions followed the presentations by the directors and a representative of Senvion, the project's turbine supplier.
    Additional investor information events are planned for the coming weeks and the investment window will open as soon as the Offering Statement, which has been recently submitted is receipted by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario.

    OCEC will be offering preference shares as long term investment opportunity as well as bonds with a 10 year maturity date and 5.5% simple interest rate.
    Preference share are expected to yield annual dividends in a range of ~10% average over 20 years.

    If you are an interested investor please email for more detailed information or call us:
  • Friday, April 11, 2014 11:24 AM | Christine Koenig
    OCEC is happy to inform members and followers that an agreement for the procurement and maintenance of the Gunn's HiIl Wind Farm turbines has been signed between Prowind Canada and Senvion SE (formerly REpower/Suzlon). 

    The ten MM92 turbines will together have a capacity of 18 MW,  enough to power ~6,500 homes in Oxford. The towers will have a hight of 100 meter and will be located in the Township of Norwich, just south of Woodstock, Ontario. 

    The turbine blades will be sourced from Senvion’s own blade production facility in Welland, Ontario that currently employs about 130 people. The turbine towers will also be manufactured in Ontario. The delivery of the turbines is planned for 2015.

  • Thursday, February 13, 2014 2:06 PM | Christine Koenig

    We are pleased to announce that the Gunn’s Hill Windfarm Renewable Energy Approval application has been deemed complete by the Ministry of the Environment. The application is now in the technical review phase and has been posted to the Environmental Registry. The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) is accepting comments on this application until March 24, 2014. These comments will be considered in the decision-making process for the project.  Please visit the Environmental Registry’s website ( for the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm project (Registry #012-1069) if you wish to make a comment directly to the MOE with respect to this proposal.

    The final REA documents are available for download on Prowind's website ( for your review. Additionally, several supplemental reports can be found there that were submitted to the MOE during the completeness review process.


    If you have any comments to provide to Prowind Canada directly or questions about the project, please email Prowind at or call them at 905-528-1747.

    Alternatively contact the co-op team: 647-497-5480!

  • Friday, January 24, 2014 3:26 PM | Christine Koenig

    Limited Partnership Agreement signed!

    It is with great enthusiasm, renewed energy, and a little pride that we announce the achievement of this important milestone.
    After many rounds of intense discussions amongst our Directors and with the Prowind management we have finally achieved good solutions for all aspects that were or could have become points of concern for the Co-op and our partner Prowind Canada. We are very confident that our Limited Partnership Agreement is fair and mutually beneficial and that the Limited Partners in the future will value the diligence and depth of understanding that went into its design.

    New challenges ahead

    Having reached this agreement means that we are now challenged with the task of raising the funds to finance our equity part in the Gunn's Hill Windfarm Project. Our target is set at 49% of the project's equity, which translates into ~ $ 9 Million the Co-op has to raise over the coming months. 

    But we are in the fortunate position that many of our supporters and members have signalled their interest in making substantial investment contributions. Our Offering Statement will be available in the near future and will very precisely layout the minimum and maximum allowed investment per investor, the exact nature of the shares offered, how they will be redeemed and the dividends we expect to pay on those shares, as well as any risks associated with an investment.

    You can help us better understand what your investment needs are, if you let us know what level and what kind (e.g. shares, bonds) of investment you are looking for.

    Members can log into their member's profile and indicate their investment interest there.

    Your contact for questions regarding membership and investments is
  • Thursday, December 05, 2013 5:30 PM | Helmut Schneider (Administrator)

    Whenever a renewable energy project is planned and implemented in partnership with the local community we create a significant win / win solution.

    Increasingly, Renewable Energy Co-ops build this partnership between developers of renewable energy projects and members of the respective community, a model that makes environmental and economic sense.

    The local economy wins because revenues are distributed within the community throughout the life of the project, and with community ownership the likelihood for local contractors to be included in the competitive process during the construction and maintenance phase of the project significantly increase. Infrastructure work, excavation, construction, electrical connection and equipment rental are more likely to be awarded to contractors that are located in the community because their work practices and reliability are known by the community.

    The environment wins when a community chooses renewable energy over the alternative of fossil fuel burning energy production. It is significantly easier for a community to make that choice when the community owns the project in partnership with the developer. Local Hydro Companies have been successfully leading the energy reduction effort which is only possible with the support of all members of the Oxford County Community and that same community spirit can put Oxford County on the map as a model for environmental change. Community ownership in the energy production from Wind, Solar and Bio fuels can support the County in this effort.

    The Renewable Energy Project Developer wins because they receive first hand feedback from the local community about the community’s needs, its concerns and solution suggestions on how to address those needs. The information flow is fast tracked in both directions and many misunderstandings can be either avoided altogether or addressed quickly.

    Most importantly the Community wins when its members can attain ownership in these renewable energy projects. Owners educate themselves about the product they consider investing in. Gaining a broader knowledge about the environmental impact of centralized conventional energy production and the opportunity curb these negative impacts with the implementation renewable energy projects is an important first step.

    Owners monitor the development of their investment and ensure that the community interest is maintained and concerns are addressed. The partnership of member-owned Renewable Energy Cooperatives in these projects ensure that the community’s interests are represented throughout the project life.

    Cooperatives can and will play a significant role in negotiating and administering annual funding from developers that support community initiatives such as playgrounds, community center improvements, or nature trails in the project areas.

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